An online corporate team building workshop is the perfect opportunity to try your hand at a skill or craft you never thought you would. Our expert performers and artists will teach you everything from traditional disciplines to more unique and quirky projects that you can take home - or rather, keep at home with you! Best of all, our workshops for companies only require common household materials.


  • Good for 5+ participants. We can cater to any number by running multiple workshops in parallel.

  • 30-120 minute runtime

  • Led by either professional teachers or practising performers and artists.

  • Easy to adapt to an online format


A 90 minute online team workshop for up to 20 participants is £600 - 1/3 off our in-person rate.

Each additional 20 participants costs £200.

Some workshops incur additional expenses.

Bespoke options available for different team workshop lengths and formats - just drop us a line!

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Our company and team haven’t been together in-person in over six months, but Hivemind’s creative, fun collaborations united us again in both fun and very practical ways. In working (playing?) with Hivemind, it has made us an even stronger team than we were before. Looking forward to working with them again (and hopefully in real life in the not-too-distant future)!
— Matt, Revelation

Who we’ve worked with


COrporate team building WORKSHOPs


Performance Arts


Learn the hidden art and science of telling good stories, and turn your party anecdotes into performances worthy of a stage.

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See some dazzling live tricks, then learn how to recreate them for yourself. All that’s required is a deck of cards and a coin.

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Hivemind’s flagship workshop uses easy and hilarious improv games to unlock confidence, creativity, and communication skills.



Hivemind Virtual Entertainment | Costume making

Give old clothes a new lease of life, by transforming them into costume items. The only trouble you’ll have is finding the perfect opportunity to wear them…

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A few exercises to get the words flowing, with the opportunity to share and relate.

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Master the bird's-eye object photography technique beloved of instagrammers and bloggers. It’s the perfect tool for wowing on social media!

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Create a miniature world using nothing but an empty jar, weed clippings, and a few scraps of paper. You’ll be amazed at what you create.

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Gather your memories into a keepsake you can add to over the years.

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Activities in this session can include botanical sketching, draughtsmanship, and life drawing from a real model.



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Learn how to escape small talk and take the dive into deeper conversations with anyone you meet, by embracing honesty and vulnerability. You’ll never see your colleagues the same way again.


Learn how to read tarot, before pairing up to test the strength of your inner eye with each other. An eye-opening session that creates room for deep and revealing conversations.




Clear and focus the mind with a Vipassana meditation practice.


A grounding Iyengar yoga session, with scope to adapt for all experience levels.


Wait! There’s more…

Still not satisfied? What you’ve seen are just the highlights! Hivemind offers more unique virtual event entertainment ideas in each category - over 60 in total, brought to you by our network of over 100 facilitators. We’ll work with you to provide a session, or choice of sessions, guaranteed to leave every one of your participants satisfied. But you’ll have to drop us a line to find out more about our virtual entertainment for corporate events!

Get in touch to find out more

After doing the Hivemind session, all of a sudden I see my colleagues in a different light. I feel a lot more comfortable, and I’m smiling at everyone during the coffee breaks. We feel a lot more like a team, really relaxed and happy, reading physical cues and having more eye contact. At the end of the conference, I heard so many people still talking to each other about the fun games we’d all played. So thank you so much, Hivemind, for a wonderful workshop!
— Afaf, Smile! conference